Day 7
Alright, I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to have to work a little harder on this blog layout then I had originally thought. Not a problem for I have nothing but time. This is the basic layout thus far. I'm going to incorporate some of my artwork in the header and various other places.
In other, better news, I've been in correspondence with a published author from the U.K. who is interested in collaborating on a Graphic Novel. If you're interested (and you should be her work is very, very good) her name is Kay Sexton and has been widely published in various magazines, won numerous awards, and has been chosen for publication in over thirty anthologies. Last night I was blessed enough to read a piece that has yet to be published - as well as ones that have - and I have to say that I can see her storytelling matching my artwork exquisitely and visa versa.
I've also reacquainted myself with a high school friend who is writing her first novel as we speak and has leaned me towards researching and divulging into the world of Steam Punk as a possible avenue to take my artwork along. Thanks again, Calista. You can get to her blog by clicking here.
Till later,
So far my Day 7 isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Things are looking up. Drafting table set, ready, go.
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