Pandora Revisted.
Well, by now - if you follow my blog - you've seen the pencil illustration of Pandora. I put her in Photoshop and ran her through the gauntlet. Hope you like her. As always, comments are always welcomed! Read more...
There is a duality about us all. And, at any given moment one or the other - good or evil - can emerge with spledid grace or intense ferocity. I live my life trying for harmony. I illustrate how to destroy it. It's the balance of the two that keeps one sane.
Once again I found myself bored and sketching. I thought this looked kinda cool so I thought I'd share it. If anyone gets bored with my scribbling, let me know. I'll start working on something that's actually worth while.
Received an email this morning that put my head into overdrive. I've been searching the web for the better part of the day - it's a big place if you haven't noticed - for all and anything considered "Steampunkish". What I've come up with are two thoughts about the subject. How have I missed this cool gathering of thinkers and machinists until now, and, how do I get in the 'shop? - so to speak. I have a lot of work to do, but at least I'm having a blast doing it.
Now, if I could make some money as well? Life would be perfect, pleasurable and worry free. Keep you're fingers crossed world. I'll put some drafts and sketches up tonight if time allows.
Till then,
T. Alan
I have just thought, out loud as well as internal: 'what's the point of having a blog if the only thing you have too show is the same old illustrations?'. I will make amends, conscience. I will draw tonight. I was supposed to visit a friend tonight, watch the fights - something that I'm not interested in at all, but the company is usually superb - but I think I'll settle in, lean against the drafting table, and see if anything wicked wants to play.
Till tomorrow.
Opinions. Everyone has one, or two, or several about any numerous amount of topics. Random thoughts spring forth and spew into the air about how one 'hated this' or 'loved that' - and who is anyone to say different? Take a movie for instance. One person might think it's rubbish while it's in another top ten.
May the Force be with you.
We need a bigger boat.
I bet the lot of you know exactly which movies the last two sentences came from, but, if you didn't would I think you mentally challenged just because they're two phrases that I grew up with?
About opinions. It's my theory that there are three types of people when it comes to any given situation, cause, or some daft television program.There will be those who love it. There will be those who hate. And, then there will be those who either sit on the fence or don't give a rats ass one way or the other.
Perhaps this is the problem with the world. There will never be peace so long as these 3 types of people live. And since they will live forever, peace is something that belong solely in fiction.
More fun for the watchers, the writers, the illustrators. Let the carnage ensue.
I'd watch that movie in a heartbeat.
Alright, I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to have to work a little harder on this blog layout then I had originally thought. Not a problem for I have nothing but time. This is the basic layout thus far. I'm going to incorporate some of my artwork in the header and various other places.
In other, better news, I've been in correspondence with a published author from the U.K. who is interested in collaborating on a Graphic Novel. If you're interested (and you should be her work is very, very good) her name is Kay Sexton and has been widely published in various magazines, won numerous awards, and has been chosen for publication in over thirty anthologies. Last night I was blessed enough to read a piece that has yet to be published - as well as ones that have - and I have to say that I can see her storytelling matching my artwork exquisitely and visa versa.
I've also reacquainted myself with a high school friend who is writing her first novel as we speak and has leaned me towards researching and divulging into the world of Steam Punk as a possible avenue to take my artwork along. Thanks again, Calista. You can get to her blog by clicking here.
Till later,
So far my Day 7 isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Things are looking up. Drafting table set, ready, go.
I'm not too happy with the new layout. Since I'm new to this whole blogging scene I'm sure I'll find a template that I like, and one that I can actually manipulate myself with having to pay anyone to do it for me. I would like to find one that will allow me to add my own illustrations on headers and whatnot. If anyone has any suggestions other than me learning HTML, I'd appreciate it. But for tonight? It's all I can handle.
Thanks friends,
November 13, Friday
I have found a blog template that just might suit me.
Alright, so you might be sick of me asking you to follow my blog. It does seem a little egotistical. But, come on. I read you're crap. All of it for I'm always bored. So how about a little tit-for-tat. (I'm blushing ever so slightly). I don't have a job right now. I have nothing to do but bother you good people, post to my blog, and draw. Hey for those of you who only post about their sick kids? I'll write about my sick kids even when they're healthy and thriving. If you want to hear about my sick twisted fantasies, I'll tell you about those as well, but, only on the phone and in a real heavy, deeply disturbing voice. Perhaps some of you want to see me fail at this new endeavor of mine. To those people I say "Join Now!".
The iceberg cometh...
This is the last shot at doing something that I love so mostly I just want to share it with you all. If that sounds a little desperate,'s because it is. I can grovel with the best of them. And besides, I know where most of you live.
So, a friend contacts me via facebook and asks if I would be willing to illustrate a children's book shes written. Sure, why not. I have the time. I need the money. I've read the story and it's quite cute. To tell you the truth it's something that I would have passed up on but I've seem to have lost my ego these past few weeks. It might very well turn out to be a good thing.
We all know the saying that when one door closes another one opens. That very well may have happened today. Now that I have the time and energy to put forth into my artwork I've met an old acquaintance that may have sparked an idea or two in this thick headed noggin.
I know what this new piece will be. I will begin on it promptly.
Thanks, Calista
Today will consist of the following. Cleaning. Watching The Taking of Pelham 123. Playing Guitar Hero, RockBand 2 and Aion. Setting up the Drafting Table. Doing Laundry. Making Dinner so that I don't have to later. I'll probably put another movie on the telly just as background noise as I start working on a piece I have in mind.
If anything changes such as abnormal head swelling or random deadly meteor shower. I'll keep you posted.
Made some headway on the house. Cleaner. More organized. The latter is a must if I'm going to start working on my art full on. I can't stand to be around clutter. My mind is full of it already and to have it around me won't help at all.
Watched MNF. More football, I know, but it calms me down to see other's working so hard for what they love to do. Perhaps I can learn a thing or two about drive and motivation from these monsters of the grid iron. Strangers things have happened.
I've considered a few pieces today while cleaning.
I still don't know what that was under the fridge. I'm sending it to a lab.
Till tomorrow. Hopefully soon I'll have some art to post but until then...
Good night, or, Good morning depending on when this is read.
I was sick for most of the weekend. That churning in my stomach was knowing that I didn't have a job to go to on Monday. So, I played with the kids hard on Saturday then again on Sunday then followed that up by absorbing myself into football until I was in some sort of pig skinned trance. I love football but I was trying not to think about the next morning. (I even watched SNF having spawned a hatred for Chris Collensworth after his abysmal performance on the Madden 10 commentary)
I woke up the next morning actually feeling better about the situation. I'm waiting on calls to be returned to people I called the moment after losing my job and I'm actually not feeling as bad as I thought I would be.
Alright, this is day one, but still there is a feeling of optimism that I haven't felt in a good long while.
I'm going to clean the house, or most of it. And, then if time allows I'm going to relax and start on a new piece.
What I want to get out of this blog is to stop all the procrastinating that I've done over the years with my art work, and most other things that I've tried to accomplish. I always think that there is a tomorrow, but perhaps, thinking back what's happened to me this past year...perhaps I'm running out of tomorrows to look upon.
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